It totally rocks to find someone else who knows about the Default Mode Network. I've researched depression and negative emotionality and it shows up in that psychological literature quite often for those who are trying to learn about the cutting edge of depression research.
And, my own quirky observation that helps me remember it, is its acronym; DeMoN.
Not that it's actually demonic. But I was learning more about the Default Mode Network from the scientific literature right at about the same time that I was reading Andrew Solomon's incredible book The Noonday Demon and my brain drew the connection.
I wonder if the greater activity of the Default Mode Network during periods of repose, especially in depressed people, indicate an increased self-focus? It would make sense, since the network supposedly relates to a lot of the self-referential information we can recall. I'll have to look into it further.
But anyhow, thank you kindly for commenting; I am glad that you enjoyed the piece.
Best wishes,