I'm not sure if you're keen on reading scientific literature but if you hop on Google Scholar and type in "Bad is Stronger than Good," a paper by Roy Baumeister will pop up.
It's a scholarly tour de force and a long read. It's a bleak paper but a careful interpretation diffuses the dark edge to it.
Basically, negative emotions and negative events have what I would call "command power." They motivate quick and powerful action.
Positive emotions and positive events have what I would call "diffuse power." Their effects are broader, more varied, less immediate and commanding - and they also tend to happen far more often and have the net effect of undoing the command power of the bad, in the long run.
In the context of Medium it's the equivalent of the quick vs. the long game. I'm also pretty convinced that, in the context of Medium, the anger strategy ultimately backfires in a powerful way.