James Horton, Ph.D
1 min readApr 3, 2022



I've been writing longhand, daily, for about three years now. I think at this point I've filled up about 18 notebooks?

I don't keep them for the future, though. When they're done they get scanned into the computer.

But I wanted to say that longhand is wonderful for more reasons than just the ability to leave something tangible behind when you're done. The process itself is much more fun and relaxed, and it produces a different type of writing. I've also found that writing long hand puts me into a sort of meditative reverie.

I'm sure you have your own methods but one thing I recommend for anyone writing longhand is to use a fountain pen or something else that writes with wet ink. The reason is that it allows you to write lightly, and with a relaxed hand, which takes away the wrist strain that's associated with writing using a pencil or a ballpoint.

Best wishes to you. Above all, now that you've stopped chasing the "likes," I hope that you find whatever version of writing enriches your life the most.




James Horton, Ph.D

Social scientist, world traveler, freelancer. Alaskan, twice. Writes about psychology, well-being, science, tech, and climate change. Ghostwriter on the side.