I know that the term 'mindfulness' is getting played out, to the point of being irritating, but I still stand by its usage in the current piece. Awareness refers to a broader and more basic principle -- we become aware when we wake up in the morning, are aware of the world around us as we eat, etc... -- but that doesn't imply we are being mindful.
Mindfulness has been co-opted by a larger cultural movement and when I wrote this piece I intended to position its advice in the context of that larger cultural movement and its conventions.
...but I'll be honest with you. Yeah, the term is getting old. Also it's badly misused -- nothing is more aggravating than seeing some finance bro chirping about mindfulness when it's clear that most of his life is lived on autopilot and mindfulness is just an app to him.
Here's hoping we find something better in the near future.